1640x1200 !!
Okay, now that we have gotten the obvious jokes out of the way, lets get down to some serious crap;my thoughts !!
So basically this is not the first time i am making resolutions for the new year. But this is the first time i am going to hold myself accountable for each one of these resolutions. I am going to track my progress as regards all of them, keep myself on my toes and not slack of as the year grows more than two months old !
So here goes, my resolutions for the year 2011
1 : Become ultra-fit, and stay fit
To be honest, this has been a mainstay in all of my resolutions till date, yearly, monthly, weekly or even daily. But this year, as some of you may know, I have made some good progress. And i am hungry for more ! So this year, i am going to make myself ultra fit. The bulging biceps and six-pack abs kind of fit.
2 : Win a boxing fight with a KO
Now that i have started to pursue my childhood fantasy of learning boxing, i am going to take this up as a serious hobby. I am going to become faster, better and stronger. And then i am going to start participating in boxing tournaments ! And when i have gotten beaten up in a couple of them, i am going to get my payback on some poor fellow by knocking the living daylights out of him !!
3 : (Re)Learn the guitar
Once upon a time in Pune, i used to play the guitar. And i used to be fairly good at it. But i let that passion go under the garb of being too busy with my academics and not really having the time for such a frivolous activity. If only i knew then what joy it can bring to an individual, i would never have allowed myself to stop. But anyways, what has happened has happened. Now i am going to relearn everything i knew back then. And then i am going to get better. I want to be able to put a smile on at least one face through my music. (Well, it wont be my music, but the rendition will be all mine !)
4 : Stay simple, stay raw
Well okay, i have taken this from an actual MTV ad campaign (pathetic me, right !?). But the thought behind it is completely mine. I want to turn myself into a simpler, more innocent and happier version of me. I want to get rid of a lot of bitterness i have picked up in the past. This bitterness has manifested itself into a lot of wicked humor, nasty opinions and some narcissism. I don't like what i have turned into and i am going to do something about it. I just want to turn back the clock to more simpler times personally.
5 : Write ya wrong
I am going to write a lot more in the coming year. Yes. That does mean that there will be a lot more crap on this blog. But thats the way its going to be. Thats the only way i can improve. I am going to do some learning on the technicalities of short story writing and then apply my own set of non-rules (its just a fancy name i have coined for not having any rules) to these learnings and come up with more crappy stories !! Just hope at the end of the year, when i write my next set of resolutions, i will be a better writer if nothing else.
Thats it. Those are the big ones. The major milestones. I will be a satisfied man if i can live up to these resolutions. Wish me luck !
Mavdiary by Rhishikesh Joshi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Good one's..Hope u achieve them!Likes likes all of them!!N yes special giggle for R-4 (Want to see you achieve that)!!!Lastly best luck!
Well written..
Wish you luck with all the resolutions..
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